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Frederico Knabben


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Published 20 articles

Frederico Knabben


Frederico holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Advertising and has more than 15 years of experience in the IT market as a developer and business man.


GitHub Writer: challenge accepted

GitHub Writer: challenge accepted!

It all started back in 2014, when the CKSource team gathered together in our usual meetups. Something really special was up for discussion: a brainstorm about the future of CKEditor. That meeting seeded the ideas and foundation for the amazing products we made available since then, including CKEditor 5 and Collaboration.

CKEditor 5 - A new era for rich text editing

CKEditor 5: A new era for rich text editing

The heart of the new CKEditor Ecosystem is undoubtedly our brand new editor, CKEditor 5. It’s not simply the next major version of one the most popular rich text editors out there. It’s the next chapter on what web text editors are, how they should be used and what possibilities they bring.

CKSource  - Open (Source) for 10 Years!

’It all started in 2003. The decision of bringing my pet project into the open — to an environment I was still unfamiliar with. In a period when Open Source Software wasn’t yet a fashionable thing to do in order to show that you’re cool.’

Editor Recommendations Project

’What features should a rich text editor have? Should bold produce the ’strong’ or the ’b’ HTML tag? Should underline be included? What about formatting features like font size or color?

Designing Software in the Open

’Last year I’ve introduced some details about CKEditor 5, our new content editing platform, which will reach the market in 2016. Since then, we’ve made very good progress with its development. We’re almost finalizing the code for the basic infrastructure that will support the editor’s core.
There is one aspect though that has not been emphasized enough so far  -  the fact that (since the very beginning) we have been designing CKEditor 5 in the open, so anyone can jump in to help us or to simply share their opinion.’

CKEditor 5 - The Future of Rich Text Editing

CKEditor has made a long way in more than 12 years of its existence. During this time, it has been greatly improved in many aspects, becoming a rock-solid solution for web applications, reaching 15 million downloads recently.
The Web itself changed during these years. New standards emerged together with new ways of consuming and sharing information. A much stronger understanding about the value of web content has developed, for the benefit of the present and the future of the world. JavaScript finally showed its power in the everyday life of people and the web technology evolved to become the mandatory option for modern software.

WOW! Over 15 Million Downloads!

This week we crossed an amazing milestone reaching 15 million downloads of CKEditor historically (check the website footer). In 2014 alone we had 3 million downloads! Impressive!

CKEditor Forever Open Source!

On April 1st we posted an article about CKEditor closing its source code. This was obviously an April Fools joke, or more precisely an opportunity to use satire to remind the community of our Open Source position. CKEditor is not going commercial and has no intention of ever doing so. CKSource is also not cooperating with any government agency!

CKEditor 10 Year Anniversary!

It’s official! CKEditor is 10 years old! Exactly a decade ago I endeavored on a JavaScript project for Internet Explorer 6 (WAT!) bearing my initials (I was young and crazy). The result was an Open Source WYSIWYG editor called FCKeditor, later CKEditor (find the easter egg on our home page!). Time sure flew by… Today we are celebrating the editor’s 10th anniversary!

CKEditor + WAI-ARIA = Usable Accessibility

With the release of CKEditor 3.2, a year ago, we have re-launched our accessibility strategy, making it based on the WAI-ARIA standards. This is something we have been working on for several months in strict cooperation with IBM, satisfying their high level of accessibility requirements. It certainly took our accessibility support, already significant in previous releases, to a much higher level, allowing us to support the W3C WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 guidelines.

6 Million Downloads!

Amazing numbers are coming out of our 2010 summary. Our company is growing fast , which simply reflects the success of our projects. Among the ways to measure this success one important factor deserves a special mention: the number of direct downloads.

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Aleksander Nowodziński

Technical Leader, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Aleksandra Mroczek (Ola)

IT Talent Sourcer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Anna Tomanek

Documentation & Project Manager, CKSource

Published 52 articles

Arkadiusz Filipczak

Team Leader, CKSource

Published 1 article

Bartek Biedrzycki

Technical Writer, CKSource

Published 40 articles

Brendan Daniel

Content Writer

Published 5 articles

Charles Gantt

Content Marketer, Tiugo Technologies

Published 28 articles

Dan Wilson

Senior Product Marketing Manager, CKSource

Published 1 article

Di Mace

Marketing Communications Manager, Tiugo Technologies

Published 1 article

Dominik Szczepaniak

Software Engineer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Dominika Reszke

Content Writer

Published 20 articles

Elise Bentley

VP of Marketing, Tiugo Technologies

Published 4 articles

Filip Tokarski

QA Engineer / Customer Solution Engineer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Gökçe Tosun

Senior Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Published 40 articles

Jacek Bogdański

Engineering Manager, CKSource

Published 11 articles

Kit Kriewaldt

Content and Copywriter, CKSource

Published 24 articles

Łukasz Datkowski

Frontend Developer / UX Designer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Łukasz Drobnik

Junior Software Engineer/ Technical Writer

Published 1 article

Maciej Duraj

Content Writer

Published 12 articles

Maciej Gołaszewski

Technical Leader

Published 1 article

Marcin Dusza

Senior Product Manager, CKSource

Published 1 article

Marta Binkiewicz

Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Mateusz Pytel

Fullstack Developer / Team leader, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Mrina Sugosh

Developer Relations Manager, Tiugo Technologies

Published 5 articles

Paweł Wiaderny

Product Owner, CKSource

Published 5 articles

Piotr Jasiun

Technical Leader

Published 1 article

Piotr Koszuliński

Director of Engineering, CKSource

Published 10 articles

Piotr Ziaja

Freelance Technical Writer

Published 6 articles

Sebastian Stefanov

Customer and Community Manager

Published 7 articles

Szymon Cofalik

Principal Engineer, CKSource

Published 2 articles

Tobiasz Cudnik

JavaScript Developer

Published 1 article

Tomasz Jakut

Senior Software Engineer / Web Standards Expert, CKSource

Published 12 articles

Vadim Smirnov

Developer Advocate, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Wiktor Walc

CTO, Tiugo Technologies

Published 3 articles

Wojtek Cichoń

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Published 8 articles

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