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How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 3: Digital publishing & CMS solutions, educational software, and project management tools

CKEditor is a world-renowned powerful, and versatile rich text editor for a variety of use cases. It provides document editing and future-proof collaborative writing solutions in a secure environment. It has proven to be critical for hundreds of cutting-edge organizations worldwide. They come from many industries, such as healthcare, banking, insurance, accounting & real estate sectors, as well as governmental institutions, manufacturing and retail industries, and legal and advisory sectors, which we wrote about previously.

In the third part of our overview of industries that make use of CKEditor, we’ll mention some other interesting use cases and applications of this powerful WYSIWYG editor.

Digital publishing & CMS software

A rich text editor can be smoothly integrated into a CMS - or a content management system - used by the publishing industry, like writers, reporters, editors, or even authors that self-publish online articles. This way, website articles and other types of online content - including newsletters, discussion items, landing pages, but also books, and printed booklets - can be written more efficiently, especially when their authors work together on them. Plus, the content they create can be of better quality - with all typos, inconsistencies and other mishaps noticed and fixed right on time - when the newsroom software is enriched by CKEditor 5.

In Drupal, users may customize CKEditor 5 to their liking and unlock great collaboration potential.
In Drupal, users may customize CKEditor 5 to their liking and unlock great collaboration potential.

There are many companies that make use of CKEditor 5 daily, thus making the digital publishing process way smoother. One of them is TravAlliancemedia - a feature-rich and user-friendly platform and website builder for travel agents who use it with ease. Another one is Neos CMS - an innovative content management system that makes editing websites fun again with CKEditor 5’s customized solutions.

Then there’s Steeplechasers - a non-profit organization that uses CKEditor 5 for boosted productivity and improved workflow when creating newsletters, discussion items, or status reports for Board meetings within its “membertility” application. And, last, but definitely not least, CKEditor empowers millions of content creators all over the world who use Drupal and its leading CMS. Together, these major brands help such people craft amazing content and build ambitious digital experiences.

Online content publishing gained its momentum during the pandemic but in those demanding times, it became evident that this area needed to become more efficient.

CKEditor simply helps to optimize the publishing process significantly, giving it a boost and a shift in the right direction. Compared to the common content publishing workflow, based on external applications like Google Docs, or Microsoft Word (that often have different data formats), the process of content creation and publication with CKEditor is much more time-efficient and seamless.

Organizing and keeping track of meetings is a primary goal of using CKEditor 5 within the Steeplechasers’ “membertility” application.
Organizing and keeping track of meetings is a primary goal of using CKEditor 5 within the Steeplechasers’ “membertility” application.

How can content publishing solutions’ owners and their end-users save time, money, and effort by eliminating third-party tools? Well, they can simply make use of the content editing process in a single application. Users may create content in your CMS, proofread it right within your application, and publish it quickly. And because CKEditor 5 provides stable, clean, high-quality HTML output (and is also able to work smoothly with Markdown or the structured content formats such as XML and XBRL), there isn’t much else to be done.

CKEditor offers many useful, advanced features, such as proofreading, spelling and grammar checking, autoformatting, autosave, as well as other popular writing functionalities like links, media embeds, tables, word and character count, block quotes, or bulleted and numbered lists.

But when using a few external applications to publish a single article - and that’s, still, often the case - everything’s much more complicated and laborious overall. It may be very difficult to align several tools to produce high-quality content quickly; sometimes it’s simply impossible.

The first problem can occur when trying to copy-paste or upload into a CMS the content that had been drafted in GDocs, Microsoft Word, or another external application. At this point, a lot of the content’s formatting may get destroyed easily due to possible conflicts in data formats. A lot of effort, time, or additional technologies may be needed to fix this. Also, the user still needs to edit the content in the CMS using rich text editing features such as media embedding. Obviously, such distractions are not something that enhances the content creation process - in fact, it’s quite the contrary.

CKEditor 5 provides Neos’ platform with a rich-text editing framework to create custom experiences.
CKEditor 5 provides Neos’ platform with a rich-text editing framework to create custom experiences.

What makes the content creation process more powerful, more customized, and more transparent are CKEditor’s collaborative features that let users speed up editing all kinds of documents significantly. Some of the more vital functionalities include user presence lists, real-time caret position, and text selection, adding comments and suggestions on selected parts of the content, as well as managing user permissions with comments-only and read-only modes.

Educational software

As far as education is concerned, CKEditor may be utilized in many circumstances. It may be a crucial component of any digital learning environment or educational software - Learning Management Systems, e-learning and virtual classroom solutions as well as effective student-teacher collaboration. This way, not only individual or group assignments can be done collaboratively and digitally, but also course guides, assessments, and other classroom materials.

Teachers, students, parents, academics, other educators, and administrators are all on the list of users who can benefit from utilizing CKEditor. In general, it helps to make the most of the whole learning process. Thanks to advanced features such as Comments or Track Changes, students (an unlimited number of them at a time!) can be even more creative when working together.

Some of the features that are especially useful for pupils and students on various levels of education include word count, spell and grammar checks, as well as easy pasting from Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Lists, tables, headings, links, pagination (page break), block quotes, image upload and management, and media embedding are also very helpful and commonly used, just like MathType for accurately displaying mathematical equations. Customizable keyboard shortcuts let users access tools quickly, Autosave allows students to avoid the risk of losing content, and Autoformatting - helps make clean presentations fast. Restricted editing and read-only mode also come in handy in many educational circumstances.

All in all, collaborative authoring components brought to you by CKEditor 5 are perfect for any learning and administrative platform, and any type of education, including higher and vocational ones. This powerful rich text editing solution can enhance the educational process greatly as content creation components may be embedded in all kinds of collaboration, including educator-learner, learner-learner, and author-publisher ones.

Project management tools

CKEditor can also be a priceless part of a [project management tool] (, and that certainly is the case of Kanbanize. The world-class WYSIWYG editor helps this Kanban-based platform revolutionize workflows and provide a better user experience for its clients - companies from all over the world.

Kanbanize: a screenshot of a sample card (with CKEditor 5 enabled).
Kanbanize: a screenshot of a sample card (with CKEditor 5 enabled).

In short, Kanbanize helps managers align the planning of big projects with day-to-day execution, prevents teams from being overburdened, and allows them to set clear priorities. CKEditor is used to fill in description fields within the so-called work items, enriching them with things like drawings, artworks, charts, or diagrams as well as headers, paragraphs, quotes, and other ways to make the content stand out and be remembered.

Start-ups, well-established businesses, household names, and small non-profit organizations can all benefit greatly thanks to making use of the great features CKEditor offers. Robustness, maturity, versatility, all-encompassing support, and 100% code coverage are what companies of various sizes, locations, and areas of expertise praise this rich text editing software for. With CKEditor on board, business goals are achieved easier.

If you, too, want to grow and explore new business opportunities with CKEditor, contact us now.

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