This is an abstract class that describes the definition of a widget's nested editable. It is a type of values in the CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.definition.editables object.
In the simplest case the definition is a string which is a CSS selector used to find an element that will become a nested editable inside the widget. Note that the widget element can be a nested editable, too.
In the more advanced case a definition is an object with a required selector
editables: {
header: 'h1',
content: {
selector: 'div.content',
allowedContent: 'p strong em; a[!href]'
allowedContent : allowedContentRules
The Advanced Content Filter rules which will be used to limit the content allowed in this nested editable. This option is similar to CKEDITOR.config.allowedContent and one can use it to limit the editor features available in the nested editable.
If no
is specified, the editable will use the editor default CKEDITOR.editor.filter. -
since 4.7.3
disallowedContent : disallowedContentRules
The Advanced Content Filter rules which will be used to blacklist elements within this nested editable. This option is similar to CKEDITOR.config.disallowedContent.
Note that
work on top of the definition's allowedContent. -
pathName : String
Nested editable name displayed in the elements path.
selector : String
The CSS selector used to find an element which will become a nested editable.