CKEditor 4 reached its End of Life (EOL) in June 2023. From then on, it will receive no more updates, new features, bug fixes, and security patches. Visit CKEditor 5 Docs for the actively supported CKEditor or check Extended Support Model.
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class since 4.11.0

Buffers input events (or any input calls) and triggers output not more often than once per minInterval.



  • private readonly

    _context : Mixed

    The variable to be used as a context for the output calls.

  • private readonly

    _minInterval : Number

    The minimal interval (in milliseconds) between the calls.

  • private

    _scheduledTimer : Number

    The ID of a delayed function call that will be called after the current interval frame.

    Defaults to 0


  • constructor( minInterval, output, [ contextObj ] ) → event

    Creates a new instance of the buffer.


    minInterval : Number

    The minimum interval between output calls in milliseconds.

    output : Function

    The function that will be executed as output.

    [ contextObj ] : Object

    The object used as context to the listener call (the this object).


  • input( [ args ] )

    Acts as a proxy to the output function given in the consturctor, providing function throttling.

    Guarantees that the output function does not get called more often than indicated by the _minInterval.

    The first input call is always executed asynchronously which means that the output call will be executed immediately.

    var buffer = new 200, function() {
        console.log( 'foo!' );
    } );
    // 'foo!' logged immediately.
    // Nothing logged.
    // Nothing logged.
    // … after 200ms a single 'foo!' will be logged.

    Can be easily used with events:

    var buffer = new 200, function() {
        console.log( 'foo!' );
    } );
    editor.on( 'key', buffer.input );
    // Note: There is no need to bind the buffer as a context.


    [ args ] : Mixed[]
  • reset()

    Resets the buffer state and cancels any pending calls.

  • private


    Performs an actual call.

  • private


    Cancels the deferred timeout.

  • private

    _reschedule() → Boolean | undefined

    Called when the function call should be rescheduled.


    Boolean | undefined

    If it returns false, the the parent call will be stopped.