guideHeaders and footers

# Headers

The Export to Word converter supports converting additional HTML and CSS for document headers and footers.

Headers are configurable via config.headers configuration property.

Header type Description Config property
Default Used in place of first, odd and even headers if those specific header types are not defined. config.headers.default
First Header rendered on the first page of the document. config.headers.first
Odd Header rendered on odd-numbered pages. config.headers.odd
Even Header rendered on even-numbered pages. config.headers.even

# Footers

Footers are configurable via config.footers configuration property.

Footer type Description Config property
Default Used in place of first, odd and even footer if those specific footer types are not defined. config.footers.default
First Footer rendered on the first page of the document. config.footers.first
Odd Footer rendered on odd-numbered pages. config.footers.odd
Even Footer rendered on even-numbered pages. config.footers.even

Headers and footers do not support the comments and suggestions collaboration features.

# Headers and footers format

A single header or footer is represented as an object with two properties:

  • html: Content of a header or footer. This property is required.
  • css: A CSS style sheet used to style the header or footer content. If this property is not defined, the default formatting will be used.

An example headers and footers configuration, resulting in a converted Word document:

"config": {
    "headers" : {
        "first": {
            "html": "<p>My title page header</p>",
            "css": "p { color: red; }"
        "odd": {
            "html": "<p>My odd page header</p>",
            "css": "p { color: green; }"
        "even": {
            "html": "<p>My even page header</p>",
            "css": "p { color: blue; }"
    "footers": {
        "first": {
            "html": "<p>My title page footer</p>",
            "css": "p { color: red; }"
        "odd": {
            "html": "<p>My odd page footer</p>",
            "css": "p { color: green; }"
        "even": {
            "html": "<p>My even page footer</p>",
            "css": "p { color: blue; }"

Headers and footers

# Page number and number of pages

Headers and footers in the document can display the current page number and the total number of pages. To include this information, you can use the following HTML elements inside the header or footer:

  • To show the current page number, use <span class="pageNumber"></span>.

  • To display the total number of pages, use <span class="totalPages"></span>.

An example HTML header, converted to a Word document:

    Page <span class="pageNumber"></span> of <span class="totalPages"></span>

Page numbering